
I am the lame

So, I see it has been almost 2 years since my last post. Nothing to report.

No, actually, much has changed. Back surgery. Moved to Northern Virginia (ask me how much I love it up here). Went to work for Whole Foods. Went to work for Jean George. Went back to work for Whole Foods. Content.

So, I went to work at JG Steakhouse at the W Hotel in DC. I know, a vegetarian working at a steakhouse, solid plan. First, let me say that I learned a ton while working there, it was high volume, high quality, not always things that go hand in hand. But, I always felt weird there. Not because I am a veg, cooking meat doesn't bother me.

It was more about principles, and feeling good about the food I was making. Knowing where it came from, and if it was animals, knowing that they were raised humanely and not stuck in little cages. I am aware of the inherent dichotomy of being a vegetarian and wanting animals that are ultimately going to slaughter to be treated well before their field trip to the abattoir. But I stopped the carne because I didn't feel healthy when I ate it, not for any moral consideration. But I do think animals raised for meat should be treated humanely, shouldn't have to suffer before they are killed.

So, a position opened at a Whole Foods nearby (it's all relative in the NoVa). And I jumped at the opportunity. Now, I am a store chef. I teach classes on cooking, I offer recipe advice, I do food demos. It is the coolest job I could possibly have. It's everything I want to do.

So, that kicks ass.

That's about it really, I am back, I am excited and I am ready to put some diggety damn recipes up on here. Keep your eyes peeled.


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